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We bought what we have now called ‘Belli Beef’ back in 2019. It’s not the100 acre block we had in mind, where we would just live off the land and run a few cottages. Oh no! It’s way more than we bargained for. 375 acres to be exact, on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Currently we have 100 breeders (cows), 3 bulls and 53 calves (last year).


We are so excited and enthusiastic to learn as we go. There is so much information out there now and such a wonderful community to support us on this regenerative agriculture journey. 

We use the cattle to sequester carbon back into the soil by rotationally grazing them. We mulch and seed the paddocks annually with up to 12 different varieties of grass and legumes to increase the diversity to the soil and break up the setaria mono-culture, which we inherited with the property. We have extended one of the 15 dams on the farm to be 3 X it’s size. We have converted all the trough pumps to solar. We have planted over 1000 trees in the last year alone. We are working on slowing the flow of water by natural sequence farming and in the process of establishing contours, which will require further trees to be planted. We are constantly looking at doing things better and improving the land. We have recently planted 1.4acres of market garden implemented using Syntropic practices. We call it ‘Syn City’.


We do not use industrial fertilizers, chemicals or poisons on the farm.

Our animal welfare is a top priority for us. We use low stress stock management, natural fly and tick treatment and make sure the cattle have a buffet of minerals (lick blocks) available to them. 

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